1994 – April 10

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1994 – April 10

Stage, special session.  


In Turin, the arrival of Grand Master Phan Hoang is a real celebration. We want to mention a short article written for this occasion by Black Belt Gianpaolo Gallo of the Club Nguyen Trai (Asti). This article was published on Informa Vietvodao no. 1 (June 1994) . For us it seems to represent the feelings of many participants.

By G. Gallo:
In the family with Master Phan Hoang.
I met Master Phan Hoang for the first time about four years ago in Rome on the occasion of a National Competition. I had the pleasure of listening to a lecture that left me truly bewildered by the calmness and serenity that the Master managed to instil in the room we were in, a sensation that I always feel returns every time my thoughts turn to him.
On Sunday 10th April in Turin, another sensation was added to the existing ones: the awareness of a great energy and strength that the Master transmitted to us through his words and ‘The Six Wonderful Movements’. He gave us this sequence with a simplicity and naturalness equal to his initial ‘Good Morning’. He made me discover a universe and a part of myself that I had ignored until then.
It was truly a family celebration with a relative who comes from far away, who unfortunately we can only meet a few times and for a short time, but whose presence the Vietvodao family always feels because he represents its reality.