2001 – December 1-2

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2001 – December 1-2

Anniversary Stage


The programme of this Stage includes both practical and theoretical study of the Thap Bat Dieu Bo sequence. From the motivations that led the Grand Master to create it, to the research of how to compose it, up to the definition of the strategies included and the relationships between them. Once again the practice was always accepted with enthusiasm by the participants.
The Tâm Niem Chiêu sequence is also presented, with its history and practice. And then a special emphasis: on the methodology that underpins our art and is based on the principle that the practitioner should be placed at the centre of the teaching; on the scientific method, the basis that is necessarily taken into account in practice; on the importance of teacher training; on our aspiration to contribute to a better society.
Once again, the presence of many Masters at this Stage made the event richer and of both practical and symbolic value.