2005 – July 15-20

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2005 – July 15-20



A week of intense work during which we not only went over, trained, photographed and studied many forms of Viettaichi in depth, including Truong Thien, Bai Di Xa, Luc Dieu and Dai Lao, but we also produced important documents on many of the topics covered for future reference.
We also practised Chi Kiem and the energetic study of sounds with the sword.
Furthermore, Grand Master Phan Hoang spoke about various topics that are useful not only for the practice of Art but also for life, related to the Leading Black Belt School (LBBS) programme, such as Art Self-Therapy, Organization & Marketing, Art-Development. An important group arrived from Italy. The group tied closed bonds with each other, while training together with the Canadian students and the unforgettable Helen Chining Chen for the entire period of the workshop.